Vision & Mission


To Become An Active Agent In Reforming The Society Through Education And Allied Activities And Building A Powerful And Prosperous India.


"Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamaya"

Lead me from darkness to light - this prayer taken from Rigveda is the noble and exalted mission of Shri. Ganeshdas Rathi Shiksha Samiti. Being an educational Institution for higher education, established and run by Shri. Ganeshdas Rathi Shiksha Samiti, Smt. Kesharbai Lahoti Mahavidyalaya becomes a natural heir to this mission of the Society and rightly adopted it so. Thus the noble mission of this college is removal of darkness from human mind through education and thereby bring light and wisdom into human life. Right from its inception in 1960, the college has steadily and sincerely endeavoured to bring this noble mission to fruition.


  • 1. To impart higher education to the youth in and around Amravati.
  • 2. To inculcate the spirit of equality, tolerance and co-operation in the students.
  • 3. To make available sports and games facilities to improve physical fitness of the students and to train and enable them to participate in various competitions.
  • 4. To cultivate patriotic feelings among the students.
  • 5. To enable the students to become responsible citizens.
  • 6. To train the students to become self-reliant in life.